The purpose of this study is to identify students’ learning level in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains in handball and badminton in the Form 2 Physical Education subject through Comprehensive Assessment (CA). A comparative analysis between PK and Secondary School Based Education (SSBE) of the students’ learning achievement was also studied. The efficacy of the applications of CA and SSBE was determined through a survey of teachers’ agreement. The research methodology is descriptive and pre-experimental – one-shot case study. The study was carried out in secondary schools in the Larut, Matang and Selama district in the state of Perak. The sampling consisted of 17 Physical Education teachers and 1010 Form 2 students. The validity value of the CA instrument content for handball was r=.82 and reliability based on the cognitive psychomotor and affective domains, was r=.78, r=.90 and r=.83 respectively. The validity value of CA instrument content for badminton was r=.80 and reliability based on cognitive domain, psychomotor and affective is r=.75, r=.83 and r=.81 respectively. For the SSBE instrument, the content validity was r=.71, reliability value for handball in the cognitive domain (r=.30), psychomotor domain (r=.44) and affective domain (r=.60) and for badminton it was (r=.43), (r=.40) and (r=.53) respectively. The survey instrument on teachers’ agreement to the use of CA and SSBE had a validity value of α=.87. The study of CA found that students’ cognitive learning for handball and badminton was at a good level (M=67.35, SD=11.75) and (M=73.90, SD=14.15). Psychomotor learning during training was at manipulation level (M=2.22, SD=.47); (M=2.23, SD=.43), and during game session it was at articulation level (M=3.48, SD=.77); (M=3.43, SD=.78). The performance for affective learning for handball was at characterisation level (M=4.35, SD=.77) and for badminton it was at organisation level (M=4.11, SD=.76). The result of the study also suggested that there was a significant difference (p=.00) between CA and SSBE in students’ performance in the cognitive and psychomotor domains, but no significant difference (p=.57) in the affective domain in handball whereas in badminton, there was a significant difference (p=.00) in all the students’ learning domains. A significant difference (p=.00) was also found between the level of teachers’ agreement to the use of the CA and SSBE where 100% of them agreed that the CA was very good and good. Therefore, it is concluded that CA is more suitable as a standard measuring instrument to determine the level of students’ learning domain for handball and badminton in the subject of Form 2 Physical Education.